Jan 14, 2011
Panasonic has developed a screen that will cover an entire wall in your house. The screen has touch capability, face recognition so it can set the screen to your preferences such as your wall color, pictures you like to display and books on the book shelf. The wall will also track your movement so when you have a television displaying on the wall in front of you and you move backword the screen will increase in size. When you move from left to right the television will follow you so you never miss a moment.

Imagine having to get up to grab a beverage or some popcorn during your movie and having your screen follow you to the fridge and back. The full screen wall provides you with an unparalleled entertainment experience that allows you to play your favorite video games, display your computer screens, and even has an ip camera for an incredible real life feel to interactive activities such as yoga class or video phone calls. If thats not enough how about the ability to view your office or kids room using the security features or customize your room with virtual decoration using larger than life screensavers, different styles of windows, pictures, maybe an ocean view? Panasonic says the Life Wall will be available in 2016, no price point has been set.