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Jun 6, 2011
Today was the WWDC conference presented by Apple.  They showed off the new Mac OS 10 Lion and iCloud, but my main focus of this post is iOS 5 with some of its 200 new features including the new notification system. Below are pictures from the conference and i will be giving a small description of the picture below each picture....

Swiping down from the top brings down the notification center.

Now you don't have annoying notification pop up that stops what you are doing to close it, instead you get a nice little window at top that displays the message without interfering with anything you are doing.

iOS 5 also gives you information on your lock screen that you can access by swiping the specific message and i believe it will also display weather on the lock screen.

There is also now a camera button on the lock screen so you can jump instantly into the camera app without unlocking your phone.  This will make it much quicker to take photos on the fly

You can now take pictures using the volume-up button

Now you can text directly from an iPod touch and iPad that syncs to your phone.  You can start a conversation with a friend on your iPhone and you can switch to your iPod or iPad and the conversation will be on the other devices where you left off.

Showing text messaging between an iPhone and iPad

Next shown was iCloud.

iCloud is just like all the other cloud applications from Microsoft and google with one major difference, IT'S FREE.  That's right I said free, Apple is offering their cloud service for free to all iOS user.  iCloud works by storing your information and documents on their servers.  When you take a photo on your iPhone it will automatically send the video to all your iCloud devices.  Works with other application like calender, contacts, mail and will also work with 3rd party applications, so when you download an application on your iPhone it will automatically download that same application on your iPad at no extra charge

Thank you to for the photo's from the conference

You can also watch the whole conference here - WWDC conference