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Jun 29, 2011

Very few people have had the opportunity to view our beautiful planet from afar. This will soon change, Urthecast plans to provide HD streaming video of our planet, live from outer space.
The video will be available to anyone in the world with an internet connection. Users will be able to zoom in on the live video, all the way to ground level. Yes, just like Google earth, but live! Users will also be able to pause, fast forward, rewind and even tag the video stream.
Urthecast’s cameras will be installed on the International Space Station later this year. They plan to launch their HD streaming service next spring.
Folks, this is HUGE! We will be able to views Earth’s events as they unfold. We’ll be able to watch parades, wars, tsunamis, festivals and even sporting events, all live in HD! I can’t wait for this service to go live, so that I can run outside and zoom In on myself!
Check out the Urthecast promo video, it will blow you away!